German hunting terrier kennel "MIRMAJ" was registered in April 2010, under the number 4990 fci, and to the date of registration a lot of dogs were named MAESTRO but because of administrative difficulties could not get the official name. I started GHT breeding itself around the 1994th years with some dogs without pedigree procured in the neighborhood who are most used primarily as fox terriers. First dog with a pedigree comes into our yard in 1999th and since then I begin to breed GHT more seriously.
My vision of the German Hunting Terrier is mainly based on the work of dogs that meet the standard. So just mating females always went in the direction of the mating with the highest working breeding stock of that time and keeping dogs only require dogs to primarily be working, in the field voice following, invariably work with both venison, to have strong temper with significantly expressed congenital features. In the upbringing of dogs, excavation plays a role where hunting dog must show persistence and perseverance before venison in the lairs. The first dog with a pedigree in my back yard was a female dog Dasa Savis, whom I mated with Khanim, a dog who at the time just made a big impression on me and has a great influence on my breeding today, since I am taking a male of Khan's sisters Uli (As-lord of the Andes Bogaz x) and Kvik whom I have this day, Zamba Frizervald, a dog that has set some standards of breeding in the work of the dog with venison and below that the kennel will never recede...
Kennel motto is: "GENETICS IS A MIRACLE" and we should aspire toward finding quality females to get quality puppy by planned mating.
Mirmaj - FCI 4990